If you plan to switch to solar power, a plethora of information is available, including many myths. There could be a lot of confusion related to the opinions and statistics. This blog will discuss some of the best and most common solar power myths. If you are confused regarding solar panel installation in Central Coast, read on to learn more.
Debunking the Top 5 Solar Panel Myths
Myth 1 – Solar panel Installation in Central Coast is highly expensive
This is one of the most common myths related to solar power. It is NOT expensive. This might have been the case a few years ago, but with the advancements in technology, it is now cheaper than ever. The cost of solar panel installation on the Central Coast has been reduced significantly. The solar panel itself was expensive previously. The single silicon crystal making the solar cell or PV increase the solar panel’s price. These cells generate power in Kilo Watt. Currently, there are cells made of silicone fragments, reducing the panels’ cost. Solar panels last for 25-30 years. It is a long-term beneficial investment considering the initial instalment cost. You can also save taxes and encourage people to switch to sustainable energy.
Myth 2 – You need a lot of space to install solar panels on Central Coast
Solar panels depend on solar cells that convert light energy into electric energy. These cells have a kilo-watt power that converts the energy. These varying types of solar cells produce different ranges of watt energy. This energy might range from 250-400 watts. The solar cell with high-watt energy conversion shall reduce the number of solar panels that you might need and vice versa. Therefore, you can choose high-voltage solar panels if you have a small space. However, it is crucial to note that the higher-voltage solar cells are expensive.
Now, the question is, how would you know which voltage is suitable for you? Firstly, you have to estimate the usage of electric units. Check the electricity bill and track the average and most electric unit consumption. This will give you an idea of how much electricity is needed. Based on that, you can choose the panel with a voltage that will generate enough electricity for your needs.
Myth 3 – Solar power doesn’t work on Rainy days
There is a myth that solar panels don’t work on rainy days and that solar energy cannot be harvested during the rainy season. People often wonder how will solar energy become electric energy if there is no sun at all. Yes, solar power production depends on the sun, and it reduces on rainy days but doesn’t completely stop. The solar panel works in sunlight, and not sun heat. Therefore, even if the weather is cloudy, the solar panel will still be functional with slight sunlight. However, with low sunlight, the solar power production of the panel will reduce. It will produce less energy because of the less sunlight. You can rely on the batteries to store excess energy in high productivity hours.
Myth 4 – Solar power system maintenance is a tedious task
If you plan a solar panel installation in Central Coast, remember that you don’t have to climb on the rooftop for regular cleaning. The solar panel installation company will take care of regular checkups and cleaning once or twice a year. That’s all the maintenance a solar panel needs. In areas that have heavy snow or rain, cleaning the solar panels could be required. However, it is minimal, and it dries off on its own most of the time.
Myth 5 – Solar power is unstable
A lot of times, solar power is categorized as unstable. However, that is not the case. Solar power depends on sunlight, but you can also store electricity produced by the solar panel in batteries. Therefore, you shall have energy when there is no sunlight or a power outage. Also, you can get a grid solar system that connects your solar system with a local electric supplier. You can switch between solar power and electric power based on the solar energy supply and electricity requirements.